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Be a Part of DROPS Metaverse’s First Major Web Browser Test in a Virtual Networking Reception
Upcoming Event
On June 22, 2023, at 3PM Singapore time, we invite you to join an important virtual networking reception. We’ll be testing the DROPS Metaverse, now accessible via web browser.
Our Journey
Since its establishment in 2009, the DROPS Asia Chapter has been a central hub for collaboration, learning, and sharing knowledge on Dropped Objects prevention. We started with in-person forums across Asia. Then, in 2016, we shifted our approach and turned to online platforms such as Zoom, LinkedIn, and YouTube. While this change broadened our reach, we missed the depth of engagement found in our in-person forums.
Welcome to the DROPS Metaverse
To bring back this immersive experience, we developed the DROPS Metaverse. This virtual reality platform aims to mimic the lively interactions of our in-person conferences. Participants can control avatars, wander in the virtual space, and network with peers from all over the world.
Easy Access
Now, we’ve made the DROPS Metaverse even easier to use. There’s no need to download any software; just open your Chrome or Edge browser.
Join the Experiment
We’re now set to test our upgraded platform and we need your help. We cordially invite you to be a part of the first major test of our browser-based version. Your feedback will be crucial in refining our platform and shaping the future of DROPS Forums.
Make a Difference
Join this vital event. Network with industry peers. Influence the future of virtual learning and networking. We look forward to welcoming you to the DROPS Metaverse!
The Power of Collaboration and Networking
Safety is the top priority in our industry. As such, working together on preventing dropped objects is crucial. It goes beyond just following rules – it’s about preserving lives and ensuring smooth operations. By sharing our experiences and strategies, we can make our work safer and more efficient.
Likewise, growing your network in this area is key. A strong network provides a wealth of resources and shared knowledge. It leads to better problem-solving and sparks new ideas for safety practices. In the DROPS Metaverse, you’ll have the chance to meet professionals who share your concerns. Together, we can push for fewer dropped object incidents and create a safer future for our industry.